Recruiting New Board Members for 2024 – Board Chair & Treasurer (Additional MAL positions open)
If you have talents in working on a non-profit board, willing to share your expertise in making solid changes for camp that creates untold memories and experiences for Children/Families, Staff, and Volunteers alike, please consider applying for board positions for St. Michael’s Camp.
A brief overview:
These are volunteer positions (unpaid), with terms generally lasting 1 year (potential for renewal).
There would be some meetings through the year.
We are looking for a new Board Chair for 2024.
This is a leadership role, and the St. Michael’s board would value a board chair that has a catholic background and strong business and marketing experience.
We are looking for a new Treasurer for 2024.
This is a role that keeps all others in check. St. Michael’s board would value a treasurer that has a catholic background and strong bookkeeper experience, as well as previous experience as a treasurer on boards.
We are always looking for new Members-At-Large.
This role is for someone who has perhaps less leadership board experience, but wants to become an important part of the decisions made around St. Michael’s camp. These are excellent roles for those who might be previous St. Michael’s camp alumni, visitors, or even parents of children who have children of camp age.
Please contact for current board application requirements or more information.